
Opti-mix 3-In-1 Render Additive

Opti-Mix 3-in1 render designed specifically for use with renders, giving increased retarding properties with additional waterproofing, plasticising and salt inhibiting capability. Controlled dosage for a consistent mix in an easy to use design with zero waste.

1 litre is equivalent to 25 litres of standard product. Tested to EN934-3 (2009) + A1 (2012).

40 boxes per pallet
 - 12 units per box

Pack Size


DOC: Optimix 3 in 1 Render AdditiveOpti-mix 3-in1 render designed specifically for use with renders.
SAFETY DATA: Opti-mix 3 in 1 Render AdditiveOpti-mix 3-in1 render designed specifically for use with renders.
TECHINCAL DATA: Opti-mix 3 in 1 Render AdditiveOpti-mix 3-in1 render designed specifically for use with renders.

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